La locura siempre acompaña al amor, ellos dos mueven al mundo entero con exquizofrenia pura.
Foto: Patola.
Sí la mayoría de músicos , artistas , poetas, pintores, actores, filósofos escritores, artistas de todo tipo y genero inclusive científicos e ingenieros, siempre que han sido exitosos y reconocidos como lideres, siempre en su pasado se descubre su grado de locura, adicciones de mas lado oscuro, es cuando más han sido elogiados y gustado por la gente, entonces concluimos que la locura (entiéndase como el desorden de vida y adicciones), la locura mueve a las masas y al mundo.
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Spencer Davis Group - Gimme Some Lovin' 1967
Subido el 27/07/2010
The Spencer Davis Group was a mid-1960s British beat group from Birmingham, England formed by Spencer Davis with Steve Winwood and his brother Muff Winwood. Their three best known songs are "Keep on Running", a number one in the UK Singles Chart written by reggae musician Jackie Edwards; and "Gimme Some Lovin'" and "I'm a Man".[1]
Steve Winwood left in 1967, to form Traffic before joining Blind Faith, then forging a career as a soloist.[2] After releasing a few more singles the band ceased activity in 1968. Davis started a new group in 2006, although only he remains from the 1960s line-ups
Steve Winwood left in 1967, to form Traffic before joining Blind Faith, then forging a career as a soloist.[2] After releasing a few more singles the band ceased activity in 1968. Davis started a new group in 2006, although only he remains from the 1960s line-ups
Pero al final siempre habrá la serenidad del encuentro con uno mismo y los 4 elementos siendo tu el definitivo. No olvides en arder.
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